Saturday, August 29, 2009

Green Tea Ice Cream

In my previous post I mentioned that I was on ice cream making spree.  I have discovered the excellent quality of home made ice cream and how different it is from the general store-bought variety.    One of the trials was to make David Lebovitz's Green Tea Ice Cream.  I had purchased some good quality matcha from the famous Ippodo in Kyoto last year and decided to make use of it.  Good quality matcha contributes to the lovely green colour of this ice cream.  Using an inferior quality green tea power results in an ice cream which will not look as attractive.  
For those green tea afficados, here's the recipe.  You won't regret it.

Green Tea Ice Cream (Makes about 1L)
  • 1 Cup (250ml) Whole Milk
  • 3/4 Cup (150g) Sugar
  • Pinch of Salt
  • 2 Cups (500ml) Heavy Cream
  • 4 teaspoons Matcha (green tea powder)
  • 6 Large Egg Yolks
  • Warm milk, sugar and salt in a saucepan.
  • Pour cream into a large bowl & whisk together with macha powder. set a strainer on top.
  • In another bowl, whisk together egg yolks and slowly pour in the warmed milk mixture while whisking constantly, and put the mixture back to the saucepan.
  • Stir the mixture constantly over medium heat, scraping the bottom as you stir, until mixture thickens and coat the back of a spatula, or about 85degC.
  • Pour custard through the strainer into the cream, then whisk vigorously until custard is frothy to dissolve the macha powder. Stir until cool over an ice bath.
  • Chill the mixture thoroughly then churn in an ice cream maker according to manufacturer's instructions then freeze until firm.
Its really very yummy. You have to try it! 

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